About Session
Human Centric Lighting applications require the effects of light on humans to be considered in lighting design. Next to design guidelines and recommendations how to realize human centric lighting, it is essential to provide a suitable metric to assess quantity and quality of light with respect to its non-visual effects.Recently some proposals have been made by scientists to introduce new metrics for the assessment of non-visual effects of light. Among others “Melanopic lux” and other so called “alpha-opic lux” as new units have been proposed. A similar new approach for a daylight-related metric for artificial light has been developed by standards committee FNL 27 in Germany and in parallel other standards committees are working on it.
The challenge for any new metric is to stay compliant to the existing system of photometric standards and simultaneously offer a usable tool to practitioners for everyday use. The presentation will discuss different proposals with special attention on these challenges.
Finally the presentation will focus on the proposal of FNL 27 which introduced the idea of a “daylight equivalent” metric, allowing the assessment of light by setting it in relation to natural daylight. This is achieved by introduction of new photometric quantities. These so called “daylight equivalent” quantities allow to stay in conformity with existing metrics and avoid contradictions to internationally accepted and mandatory metrics for light. Comparison to existing and proposed metrics like “melanopic lux” will be discussed. Easy approaches how users and lighting designers can use this metrics in practical applications will be demonstrated.
Presenter: Dr. Dieter Lang
Corporate Innovation – Advanced Technology – Applications
1978 – 1984
studies of Physics and Computer Science at the University of Kaiserslautern
OSRAM, Munich, Research and Development
XENARC automotive headlamp, and HCI Ceramic Metal Halide lamps
2004 Recipient of the 6th OSRAM Innovation Award for Research and successful market introduction of HCI Powerball
2003 – today
OSRAM, Munich, Corporate Research
Research on effects of light on human beings
Human Centric Lighting, scientific studies, application oriented research, feasibility studies
additional activities outside OSRAM
Member of different standards committees
– chair of FNL 27 “Effects of light on humans” at DIN (German Institute of Standards)
– member of FNL 7, “Radiometry” at DIN
– member of FNL advisory board at DIN
– support of WG 13 “Effects of light on humans” at European committee for standardization CEN/TC 169, “Light and Lighting”
– member of CIE-ISO JTC-9
Member of the German Lighting Technology Society (LiTG)
Member of the “Human Centric Lighting” workgroup at LightingEurope
Member of the Research Advisory Board of the Munich University of Applied Sciences (HM, Hochschule Muenchen)