Why Human Centric Lighting?
Human centric lighting and the new generation of dimming and Kelvin changing LED products, which are so good for it, is the next big step in lighting, maybe as important as Edison creating the incandescent light bulb. Our investigation showed no person or organization was really focusing on human centric lighting in a comprehensive and brand neutral way, so we formed HCL, the company.
What’s the function of HCL?
First and foremost is learning more about human centric lighting and helping educate lighting professionals, utility reps, rebate planners, end-users and others. It is also very important to be brand neutral with a listing of all dimming and Kelvin changing products that we are aware of. Just like the DOE not wanting the same type of mistakes made with LEDs as what happened with early CFLs, we do not want problems with promoting, purchasing, installing and using human centric lighting, because that could give this science a black eye. Since nobody from the DOE, IES, a university or other organization is focusing on comprehensive human centric lighting, and considerable time and energy is required for this task, we formed this company, similar to a nonprofit, but the people who invest their time and energy, can be compensated.
Payments to the the company may be from paid webinars and seminars, consulting to companies that want to develop human centric lighting products, approval rating on products, advertisements in the website, etc. The rating system could be something similar to what DesignLights Consortium does on regular LED products. Maybe down the road, there could be a fee to subscribe to certain parts of the website. The company should also try to get more human centric lighting projects installed and written up as case studies.
How can lighting professionals benefit from subscribing to HCL website?
Not just lighting professionals, but also end-users, utility people, rebate planners, and others. They can get up to date and correct information, easier than probably any other way. Since the committee already has a very good mix of researchers, contractors, ESCOs, utility people, rebate planners, lighting designers, energy efficient lighting consultants, end-customers and others, there is no aspect of human centric lighting that should not be able to be covered.
Are there seminars or conferences that will be hosted by HCL?
Early plans are to start with webinars, and then start doing in-person seminars and conferences. The first conferences may be partnerships with existing conferences. Maybe the human centric lighting part will be a day before or after the regular other conference.
Can utility funded projects integrate the human centric lighting strategies?
Since Kelvin changing LED products with just warm and cool white LEDs are just as efficient and can cost about the same as fixed Kelvin LED projects, there should be no problem with rebates. Some utilities are already planning office of the future and other case studies with dimming and Kelvin changing LED products. One thing that the company and committee can do is help promote a market transformation for rebates, where quality of lighting in addition to saving energy has to be improved in order to qualify for rebates.
What are the available HCL product solutions?
This is listed on the Technology section of our website. Finelite and numerous other manufacturer have already started or should soon start developing dimming and Kelvin changing products.